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“My Social Life is Online” Added to Avenue Q School-Edition

MTI recently released a school-edition of Avenue Q. That’s right, a school edition of Avenue Q. Avenue Q School Edition Obviously some major adjustments/edits/rewrites had to be made. Thus, “The Internet is for Porn” has now become “My Social Life is Online” (video below). Also, “My Girlfriend Who Lives in Canada” and “Loud As the Hell You Want” have been completely cut. No more cartoon video segments – instead these are done with real actors. Apparently the bad idea bears have less bad ideas about alcohol. And “Lucy T. Slut” is now just “Lucy”. (For a full list of edits check out this link.) It would be easy to judge this all as a ridiculous adaptation totally inappropriate for younger performers. But I have a different take. I’ve always felt that Avenue Q is so much more than it’s raunchy humor. Underneath it all is a heartfelt story, with heartfelt characters, told in a heartfelt way. And the message of trying to find one’s path in life is something that surely can resonate with high school students. So while I’ll certainly miss the most brilliantly hilarious internal rhyme in all of musical theatre (“Grab your d*** and double-click”), it’ll be nice to see high schools do something other than “Music Man” for once. Much props to Jeff and Bobby for writing a darn-solid replacement song given the circumstances. What do you think?
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P.S.  Is it just me, or do those high school actors seem insanely talented? — Beat by Beat Press believes in the power of musical theatre to inspire children. That’s why we create original children’s plays for schools and community theaters to perform. To learn more, visit us at

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