We’re Coming to Your Town
In August 2013, Beat by Beat is hitting the road on a cross country road tour. We’ll be saying hello to Beat by Beat friends and hosting FREE Musical Theatre Workshops along the way.
How to Get a Free Workshop
Just send us an email telling us you want Beat by Beat to come to YOUR TOWN. Tell your kids, parents and friends to “LIKE” our
Facebook page and post on our timeline “Beat by Beat come to [OUR TOWN]!”. If you happen to be along the route and your community shows their support in having Beat by Beat lead a Free Musical Theatre Workshop we’ll make it happen!
(Obviously we won’t be able to accommodate everyone given the planned route and schedule, but we sure will try. Eligible states include: New York, southern Ontario, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and California.)
Workshop A: Let’s Make a Musical (60-90 minutes)
For all ages. In this fun, interactive workshop we’ll explore how music, lyrics and character work together to tell a story by creating a short original musical from scratch. Plus Q&A.
Workshop B: Working With Young Actors (60-90 minutes)
For adults ages 18 and up. Tools and tips that will help you bring new life to your youth theatre program. Plus Q&A.
Send an email to
hello@bbbpress.com by
Wednesday, July 24th with:
1) Name of your organization
2) Your location
3) Available dates and date restrictions from August 1 to August 30, 2013
4) Select Workshop A or B
5) Any additional details you think we should know
Organizations will be chosen and notified by July 31st
The workshops will be led by Denver Casado. For nearly a decade Denver has worked as an arts educator with New York City’s leading theatre organizations including Disney Theatricals, New York City Center and Young Audiences New York. Denver’s innovative approach to exploring musical theatre with kids has earned him invitations to speak at the national conferences of the American Association of Community Theatre and the American Alliance for Theatre Education.
See you on the road!