Denver and Brian flesh out the Toadstool character, plus how to write for young actors.
What do you think about “John Elway” as the mentor figure?
Want an inside look at how musicals are written? Join Denver and Brian on this weekly podcast that documents the creation of a 45-minute musical from scratch. If you’re a teacher, actor, director, writer, or just a fan of Broadway musical theatre – subscribe and join the fun! Produced by Beat by Beat Press, the world’s fastest growing publisher of new musicals for young actors.
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Hey guys! Flattered that you would think of me. But why not just call this character “coach” – and keep the inspirational dialogue sport generic. There are recognizable coaches in every sport, and location, and it would be easy to communicate the joke through dress – like a hoodie for coach B, or suite and tie for coach K. Keep up the great work! I’m a fan of anyone named Denver!
J. Elway
Wow, John Elway – so cool that you listen to our show! 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion
I love your musicals! I performed last year in the grunch as a critic and this year at oak hills as synco in their production of Musicville. I think that having the toad as the main character is a great idea and you should use it.
Hey Natalie, thanks for the comment! Glad you like Toadstool as the main character, we’re gonna keep heading that direction.
I love the John Elway character idea! I could see our school make a Seahawks player. They changed it up when they did The Grunch and made it Nike. I think it makes it fun and easy for the kids to relate to.