Drama Game: Yes, No, Please, Banana

Type: Break Out of Shell, Creativity

Banana Drama GamePurpose: A fun, simple exercise to help students become comfortable performing in front of the class and break out of their shell.


1. Divide the class into pairs.

2. The goal of each pair is to create a 30 second scene using only four words: “Yes”, “No”, “Please” and “Banana”.

3. Depending on the age group, encourage the students to include a range of emotions in the scene, and if possible to have a beginning, middle and end. Although many of the scenes will be silly, encourage them to try and make it believable.

4. Allow the kids a few minutes to practice, then have them perform in front of the class.

TIP: Consider performing an example scene with an assistant before allowing the kids to create their own.

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5 thoughts on “Drama Game: Yes, No, Please, Banana

  1. Kathryn says:

    Because of Your Beat by beat Press 16 ready to go lesson plans,and drama games handbook..I have been asked back for a second year after successfully winning over staff and students at a prestigious Montessori School on their 20th year anniversary!!..THANKYOU.

    Question do you have classes to become a better Drama teacher?..I always strive to bring my best as a teacher of three different age groups..

    • bbbpress says:

      Congrats! We’re so glad to hear our resources helped you during your first year.

      At this point we don’t offer any classes, but we’re always developing new resources to help drama teachers become better at what they do. As long as you’re part of our mailing list, you’ll always hear about these new resources first 🙂

  2. sukhjeet says:

    I am an English teacher for some reasons i had to take speech and drama along with English last year ..i want to thank you for rich resource of activities that i could successfully made children love my class.

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