Denver and Brian explore how and why musical theatre left the mainstream music scene, plus Denver’s experience in Nashville. And how much do lyrics really matter?
Read the article discussed in the podcast here:
A Slushy in the Face: Musical Theater Music and the Uncool – By Dave Malloy
WRITER’S BLOCK Why do you think musical theatre songs have become so disconnected from the mainstream? Leave your comments below! ABOUT THE PODCAST Want an inside look at how musicals are written? Join Denver and Brian on this weekly podcast that documents the creation of a 45-minute musical from scratch. If you’re a teacher, actor, director, writer, or just a fan of Broadway musical theatre – subscribe and join the fun! Produced by Beat by Beat Press, the world’s fastest growing publisher of new musicals for young actors. [feature_box style=”30″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” content_font_size=”10″ content_font_font=”Arial” content_font_style=”normal” content_font_spacing=”1″ alignment=”center”]All comments, remarks, suggestions, ideas or other information that you communicate to Beat by Beat Press through this site becomes and remains our property. This means: we don’t treat any submission as confidential, you can’t sue us for using the ideas you submit, if we use your suggestions — or anything like them — we don’t have to compensate you for them.