Drama Game: Dance Your Name

Dance Your Name Theatre GamePurpose: A great simple warm-up or lead-in to a class in which the kids will be dancing.


1.  Have the class stand in a circle.

2. Instruct the students that one by one they are to step into the circle and spell their first name in the air using their body parts. The body parts they need to use must go in order from top to bottom:

1st Letter: Head
2nd Letter: Arm
3rd Letter: Hips
4th Letter: Knee
5th Letter: Foot
(then repeat if there are more than 5 letters)

3. The game ends when everyone has had a turn!

Note: This is a great warm-up before beginning choreography work on a show.

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Beat by Beat Press is passionate about inspiring kids through theatre. That’s why we create unique teaching drama resources and high-quality plays for kids to perform. 

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