Type: Warm-up, Ensemble Building
Purpose: This game is similar to Enemy and Protector, but a slightly different take and a bit more involved. It will allow the kids a chance to become familiar with each other in a new setting.
1. Ask the kids to silently walk around the playing area.
2. Ask every player to silently choose a member of the group, Target 1, to “spy” on. They should continue walking around as they “spy”, trying hard to keep it a secret.
3. Then tell every player to secretly choose a second member of the group, Target 2, to “spy” on. Now they should try and keep an eye on both targets, still secretly.
4. After awhile, tell the group that they now have a “crush” on Target 1 and must try and get as close to that person as possible, while still “spying” on Target 2.
5. Finally, tell the group that they now “hate” Target 2, and must try and get as far away from them as possible while still trying to stay close to their “crush”, Target 1.
6. Observe the changing dynamics of the room.
– Consider using this activity as a lead in for how physical interactions are affected by character motivations.
– How do you interact with someone you’re friends with as opposed to someone you don’t like very much? Why?
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Beat by Beat Press is passionate about inspiring kids through theatre. That’s why we create award-winning teaching drama resources and high-quality musical plays for kids to perform.
I feel that the game Spy/Crush/Hate needs a different name. We have way too many hate related problems in the world to be naming a game that way. I like the concept of the game, but the name will not cross my lips without a change.
Hi Thresia, you raise a good point. Instead of “Hate”, the game could be called “Spy, Crush, Enemy”.
I’ve played this with kids as Bomb and Shield. Everything is the similar except they eventually need to stay between their “shield” and their “bomb”.
Are there any musicals for 7 year olds? Like to do a 15 minute musical for class assembly.
Hi Amala, our musical “Journey of the Noble Gnarble” is great for that age group and is only 20 minutes long.
You can download a free perusal script here:
Or watch a whole video of it being performed by 1st-2nd graders here: